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Thats a hot girl, she even pulled down her panties and treated me with her vagina. Oh yeah thats a nice vagina, oh god, my cock, her vagina, HER VAGINA, IT FEELS SO GOOD, HER VAGINNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AHHHHHH, AHHHHHH, AHHHHHH, AHHHHHHH, AHHHHHHHHH, AHHHHH, AHHHHH, AHHHHH, AHHHHHH, AHHHHH, AHHHHH, AHHH, ahh. Every “AHH” is a wad of sperm I shot on the wall.
yes girl, imma make love to u, im gonna bounce my penis on your butt, diddle my penis on your boobs, and im gonna FUCKING FORCE MY PENIS INTO YOUR VAGINA and pound you till i start screaming from pleasure and i blow up my cum everywhere
dont. really hot girls like her usually wear a rapex. its a devixe that when you impale your penis, it gets stuck on your penis and is really painful. thats what happened to my friend he pinned a hot girl to a wall and pounded her anus from behind for a bit, but when he thrusted himself into her vagina his dick got stuck on the rapex and she escaped before he ejaculated. he had to get his penis removed because he got arrested, so he cant have sex anymore. me however, was more careful. i found a hot young woman and just like my friend, put her against the wall and pounded her anus. then when i pulled out my dick to put it into her vagina, i put my hand into her vagina and pulled out the rapex. then i thrusted myself into her vagina and i cummed all over her vagina and moaned. had my fun and everything was fine, by just being patient to thrust myself into her pussy.
Careful to not get your cock impaled on the Rapex like the other guy said. Hold the girls neck while you put your hand in her pussy to take out the devic3. Then you can thrust in and out of her love hole with your baby maker.
This is how I failed No Nut November. I would always try to jerk off to stuff that wasn’t that hot. This is a really hot girl, but initially I wasn’t so turned on. She took off her shirt and her boobs were so perfect, so I was having a hard time controlling myself. She took off her bottom, but only her ass was shown. Later though, her vagina was shown and I exploded all over the room. It looked so tight.